Trusted Counsel. Zealous Advocates. Successful Litigators.

Proven Advocates For SEC And CFTC Whistleblowers

It takes courage to submit a whistleblower complaint to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). However, it takes deep legal understanding, tenacity and diligence to submit a complaint that is deemed worthy of an investigation and results in a whistleblower award.

Our litigators at Evangelista Worley, LLC know how to research and document fraudulent actions, and they use this insight to present compelling complaints to enforcement agents throughout the country.

The U.S. Securities And Exchange Commission Whistleblower Program

In the wake of the 2008 financial crises and the Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme, Congress created a new whistleblower program within the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Under that program, a whistleblower who reports securities violations to the SEC leading to monetary sanctions in excess of $1 million is eligible for an award of 10% to 30% of the sanctions.

Damages Awarded To Whistleblowers

Establishing a strong complaint is critical to not only obtaining justice but also securing large awards. Whistleblowers who file complaints that lead to million-dollar sanctions may receive between 10% and 30% of the fine, are protected against workplace retaliation and may also receive back pay with interest, among other damages.

A variety of factors influence the award the SEC or CFTC provides to whistleblowers. As your advocates, our lawyers will help you make sound decisions that reflect favorably when the level of award is calculated. They put our clients in positions to succeed in spite of great odds.

Common SEC And CFTC Violations

Our attorneys bring vast experience and insight to SEC and CFTC violation cases. Their work on behalf of Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme victims motivated the SEC to create its whistleblower program.

We offer assertive, skilled representation for clients filing complaints that allege:

  • Fraudulent financial statements or corporate disclosures
  • Market manipulation
  • Illegal securities schemes
  • Insider trading
  • Pyramid, Ponzi and other schemes

Our team is equipped to submit original, persuasive complaints that establish a party’s attempts to manipulate the valuations of stocks, securities, contracts for swaps or futures, or other related financial instruments.

Discuss Your Concerns With An Experienced Lawyer Today

Share your story with one of our skilled legal professionals at our Atlanta office. Reach us using our contact form or by calling 404-975-2345.